Friday, 5 July 2013

I never had and Never will- Paul Okoye says of accepting first baby mama Elshama and her baby

 This morning, it was reported by some bloggers that Paul Okoye of P'square has accepted his baby from former beauty queen, Elshama and even used the baby boy and his mother as his dp on his Blackberry phone. But, Paul this evening took to twitter to correct the mistake. According to him, the photo that was circulated this morning was that of his son and his baby mama, Anita and not that of Elshama and her baby.

Biko.. Paul, go for a DNA test, if you are not sure the little chap is yours to put a stop to all these madness and, if he is yours, take up your responsibility as a father, at least there was condom everywhere and it is very cheap! The baby is innocent and deserve a life.

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