Friday 11 July 2014

Social media now tells us what to eat, wear, how to think- Stella Damasus

Though, it has been a while she featured in any Nollywood flicks but Stella Damasus, has been making her voice heard on her blog where she has written some interesting stories. In a new write-up, Stella, who now resides in the UK and unconfirmed married to another actress, Doris Simon's former husband, Daniel Ademinokun, writes on how the social media is defining, who we are these days.

Read and decide if you agree with her or not?

 I know it has been a while since my last blog, I
wanted to apologize for that but then again I
thought if it was intentional and I had my reasons,
why act like it was a mistake? So instead I said to
myself, if you have something really important to
say then share it but if you are busy and trying to
finish some other projects then don’t force
yourself to write just anything because you have a
blog. People write blogs weekly, some even daily
but that is not my driving force or motivation.

Read more after the cut

 We have different reasons why we all have blogs. This
brings me to the topic of this message “seeking
unnecessary approval from social media”.
So I read two devotionals today and to my
surprise they were saying practically the same
things. The first one talked about how we are
creatures of approval. We all depend on what
other people think of us and say about us before
we evaluate ourselves. The truth is, a lot of
people wake up in the morning and the first thing
they do is check their social media pages even
before they say good morning to anyone. They
want to see who has liked their pictures, how
many followers their friends and colleagues have
in comparison to how many they have, how many
Facebook requests they have, who has said what
about who, and so many other things that are not
beneficial to their lives.
People now hide under the guise of social media
to give their “supreme” opinions about other
people’s affairs but can’t show their faces, it has
become the major identity of a lot of people.
Human beings have sold their true identities by
acquiring screen names to cause harm to others.
People would rather sneak to private places in
their offices to check out who is wearing what to
an event and who they think is SEXIER, then they
go on popular sites to pass judgement on others
with such venom that you will wonder if they have
even met the person. All of a sudden social media
feeds us with what to wear, what to do, where to
go, who to hate, who to like, who to follow, what
to follow, how to marry, how to look, how to make
babies and so many ridiculous things. If you take
a few steps back, you will ask yourself where our
own brains and minds have gone?
Have we become so dependent on other people’s
opinions that we have lost our own identities?
Are we will still wondering why we have not been
able to live our dreams, make money, achieve our
goals? What if it is because we have ended up
living other people’s dreams based on what they
expect of us to do? What if we have lost touch
with who we were created to be because we follow
trends created by others? What if we can never
have a fulfilled life because we choose to let
people like us determine our right from our
wrong? I am not saying social media is bad,
please don’t get me wrong. But I fear for those
who have turned it into their BIBLE and their life
manual. We no longer have a mind of our own to
research or question any information we receive.
We just depend on whatever one person has sat
down in their living rooms to construct. Then you
wonder how one person who is not even in the
same country as you, knows what happened
inside your bathroom. Then we read it and share
it, others pick up on it and all of a sudden it
becomes the TRUTH. It goes on google so that
when the victims name or company name is
typed, people get to see a story that was started
by one person siting in a small cubicle with a
small laptop. Some people have accused me of
not being in tune with my fans, they have called
me a snob they have said I don’t respond
instantly to messages. I know that when it’s a
direct message it’s easier for me to respond. But
how do I spend hours everyday responding to
over a hundred thousand people at the same
time.We all try to respond to as many as we can
in a day but I can’t possibly respond to all.
Contrary to popular beliefs by these naysayers,
STELLA has a life, she has a family and she has
work to do as well. Entertainers are not jobless
people who sit around waiting for people to send
messages so they can respond. Besides like I
have said I am not on Facebook anymore so
anyone expecting to hear from me there is
wasting their time. I don’t wake up every
morning and run to check twitter or Instagram. I
go there when I can to communicate with as
many people as I can, and I only put info or
pictures out that I feel are necessary to share.
Some have also said that I don’t have as many
followers as others, that made me laugh a lot
because they did not realize that I don’t go
snooping around to find out what others have that
I don’t. The fact that I have a group of people
who are dedicated fans and follow me is more
than enough for me to be grateful to God. I don’t
look around for who is doing what or who has
what, neither do I do things because others are
doing it.
Our destinies and purpose are totally different. So
when people try to compare, it becomes strange
for them when I respond by laughing. They don’t
understand why I don’t care about too many
things. I have tried to let people know that I have
discovered the most important things in life and
what my everyday goal is, anything outside of that
is a waste of time and energy. If your so hooked
on social media and you are not using it to grow
your clientele for your business then you need to
re-evaluate yourself and who have become.

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